The River Otter at our Homestead Pond

Last Updated:  March 24, 2023

Disclaimer: Pioneer Mountain Homestead videos are for entertainment purposes only. Always do your own research and stay safe!

Pioneer Mountain Homestead collage of pictures.

Just a quick video of the river otter who lives at our homestead pond. We call him Fred and he’s a regular amusement.

Hope you enjoy!

Make it a Great Day!

#pioneermountainhomestead #pmhomestead #raystown #pennsylvania #raystownfarm #homestead #homesteading #riverotter #otter #pond

Other platforms to view the video:

Fred, the river otter at our homestead pond.
Watch on Bitchute
Fred, the river otter at our homestead pond.
Watch on Odysee
Fred, the river otter at our homestead pond.
Watch on Rumble
Fred, the river otter at our homestead pond.
Watch on TikTok

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Show Transcript:

00:00:00,733 – 00:00:05,000 Here we have the river otter. He lives at our pond


00:00:05,234 – 00:00:06,766 at Pioneer Mountain Homestead.

00:00:07,300 – 00:00:09,900 We call him Fred. He’s kind of cute.


00:00:10,733 – 00:00:12,900 Make it a great day folks! Bye!

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