About Us
Welcome to Pioneer Mountain Homestead
Embracing Everything Farm and Forest
Pioneer Mountain Homestead is located in the Appalachian Mountains of South Central Pennsylvania, as well as near the Lake Raystown Region. The property is mainly forest with a small portion carved out for sustainable farming, buildings, access ways, and a pond.
To reach us, please text or leave phone message at: 814-505-6426 or 814-660-3846. We check messages regularly and will get back to you. Visitation to the property is by appointment only. (Boat/RV storage tenants have 24/7 access to their parking space.)
Our address is: Pioneer Mountain Homestead, 16477 Sharman Lane, James Creek, PA 16657
Our email addresses are: pmh@pa.net or brenchuckswood@gmail.com. We check emails regularly.
Thank you so much for visiting our site and please scroll down for our social media, business links, and maps. – Bren and Chuck

CLICK HERE to link to the “Pioneer Mountain Homestead” Facebook Page.

CLICK HERE to link to the “Bren Chucks Wood” Facebook Page (Sawmill site).

CLICK HERE to link to the “Aunt Bee” Facebook Page.

Please follow the “Pioneer Mountain Homestead” Channel on YouTube. CLICK HERE.

Please follow the “Bren Chucks Wood” Channel on YouTube. CLICK HERE.

Want to tweet with us? Connect with us on Twitter. (Mountain Pioneer).

Follow Pioneer Mountain Homestead on Instagram. CLICK HERE.

Follow Bren Chucks Wood on Instagram. CLICK HERE

Want to see our pins? Join us on Pinterest!

Purchase photos of the Homestead and local area here at Shutterstock!

Pioneer Mountain Goods is our Etsy store. (Please note we are not yet live.)

Connect with Bren (Bee Ross) on Linkedin.

Send us a message
Location of Pioneer Mountain Homestead
For note: We are NOT affiliated with Freedom Green or Brode Lumber. Freedom Green has a location near us at Lake Raystown, but we are not in any way associated. Additionally, Brode Lumber is located near us in nearby Saxton (near Raystown Lake), but is not associated with us. It is our understanding that Brode Lumber may be out of business or operating at a limited capacity due to their fire at their sawmill. We seem to get quite a few phone calls from people believing we are somehow associated. Just making this disclaimer that Brode Lumber is not affiliated with us. Additionally, Freedom Green is not affiliated with us. We have met the owners of both Freedom Green and Brode Lumber. We wish them well in their endeavors.