old stuff

REDIRECTED “Myth is, after all, the neverending story.” – Joan D. Vinge

REDIRECTED “Myth is, after all, the neverending story.” – Joan D. Vinge

The Woolly Bear…Fact or Folklore?

The all black woolly bear caterpillar is an indicator of a severe winter ahead.  Is this fact or folklore to you?

Rationally, I know I shouldn’t believe myths, but there is something so incredibly soul soothing about myths, legends, and folklore.  Like a story told by a elderly relative, it ties you together with history and a little mystery of times gone by.  As much as I don’t like bone-chilling cold and tons of snow to shovel, I’m going to believe in the black woolly bear this year.  I think we are in for a hard winter.  What better way to end 2020 than with a blanket of snow?

An all black woolly bear caterpillar. Is this an indicator of a severe winter? Fact or folklore?

#woollybear #predictor #forecaster #pioneermountainhomestead #raystownfarms #woolly #livinglegends #farmstyle #farmfun #livinglegend #thelegend #legendsneverdie #folklore #legend #myth #legend #myth


REDIRECTED “Find a job you like and you add five days to every week.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

REDIRECTED “Find a job you like and you add five days to every week.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I really feel sorry for those that must toil at a job they hate for 50 weeks out of the year just to have two weeks “off” from their life.  I know many like their careers and also like their vacation time; and I’m not referring to those folks.   I’m talking about the people that literally feel daily drudgery going to a job they despise.  Take it from personal experience and please find a new path.  It may not be an easy path, but “work” doesn’t have to have the negative connotation that so many people believe it has. I will never stop “working”.  My “work” may change over the years, but I will not be without “work”.  It is the reason I exist.  I may not succeed some days, but those are learning days. (I refuse to say that “bad” days are failures; they are just “lesson learning days”).  These are just my thoughts.  Please have yourself an awesome day!


Picture of the mill sign with a quote of the day incorporated into it.

#pioneermountainhomestead #brenchuckswood #raystownfarms #pmhomestead #sawmilllife #lumberyard #sawmillbusiness #lovewhereyouwork #readyforwork #gettowork #loveyourwork #dreamwork #lovework #soulwork #keepworking #workstyle #workanywhere #workaholic #workathome #ilovemywork #worker #alwaysworking #work #workfromhome #workhardplayhard #mywork #worklife

REDIRECTED A Quick Tour and Introduction to Some of the Animals

REDIRECTED A Quick Tour and Introduction to Some of the Animals

Join Aunt Bee on a very quick tour around Pioneer Mountain Homestead. Today includes visiting a few of the Nigerian Dwarf Goats and the lovable farm pups. Pioneer Mountain Homestead embraces everything farm and forest. Located within the Appalachian Mountains of south central Pennsylvania and within close proximity to the Lake Raystown Region, the property provides a unique environment and mixture of uses. Some of the current activities at the property include growing produce, raising Nigerian Dwarf Goats and Angora Goats, raising layer chickens and ducks, and educating on a variety of traditional activities including crafts and food preservation.