old stuff

REDIRECTED Preparing the Raised Beds

REDIRECTED Preparing the Raised Beds

Spring has finally arrived at the homestead and with it brings gardening work. The raised beds are the priority at the moment. Over the winter the soil level sinks. Beds must be cleaned of weeds and the soil levels brought back up. Here is a quick video of what is being done at the homestead right now.

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REDIRECTED The Kids are One Month Old Today!

REDIRECTED The Kids are One Month Old Today!

Bren and the one month old kids.

The kids turn one month old today and I decided to have a pajama party for them!  Here’s a short video showing their progress.  As a side note, the pajama pattern will be offered free.  It will be posted to the Homestead Happenings page within a week.  Be sure to check back for the free download.  Also, fill in the contact page so you don’t miss announcements and posts.  You can always opt out later if it doesn’t suit.