REDIRECTED 2019-01-21 Homestead Happenings 0008

The Catalogs are Coming!
Is it just me or do all gardeners get a sort of rush this time of year as the new gardening and seed catalogs arrive in the mail?
I currently have so many that I don’t know where to start. I’m just all giddy inside for the anticipated 2019 gardening season. I get this way every year. Am I totally crazy? Don’t answer that!
Although I would love to just go through the catalogs and pick whatever looks interesting and order it, there are three major constraints we must deal with.
First, the space factor. We use a raised bed system of planting at the homestead which limits our plot size. Currently the system is at the desired amount given the time available for gardening and the anticipated market. The space is available for expansion in the future, but for now it is plenty.
Second, the time factor. With all the needs to be done around the homestead, only so many hours are available for gardening. Yes, we do hire outside help on occasion, but this is also limited by available help and money.
Lastly, the money factor. It would be so easy to order all that we want. However, this is a business and therefore is treated as such. Even if it wasn’t a business, money would still be a limiting factor.
So, how do I pick? Well, that’s a loaded discussion best suited for a future blog or vlog. In its simplest explanation, anticipated needs are reverse engineered to calculate the amount of seeds needed based on space available/necessary and other factors such as anticipated seed germination, length of growing season, succession planting, intercropping, yield, and some other factors. It sounds complex, but when broken down into small bites, it is a very manageable concept. Because we are using a raised bed system, calculations are typically made by the square foot.
Overall, it is still somewhat of a guessing game. What will be the anticipated market? What curve balls will Mother Nature throw at us? What will the labor situation look like for the year? How will we deal with crop damage from the woodland critters? And, the list goes on.
But for now, my mind will be in the clouds with dreams of the best gardening season yet!