REDIRECTED 2019-01-18 Homestead Happenings 0005

Waste not, want not.
Did you ever hear that phrase? It’s something I try to live by. Living in the United States, I think we sometimes take things for granted. We throw away food and other goods regularly without care. As a personal journey for myself, I am trying to reduce my footprint by buying and using goods with more thought. I try to look for reusable, not disposable. I am also trying not to waste food.
On the subject of food, I was hungry for bananas the other week. We don’t grow bananas at the homestead, although I’ve tried. At one point three beautiful banana trees grew inside the house. New leaves would form and they would get taller, but no fruit. New banana trees would form, but still no fruit. Eventually, the whole idea was a lost cause and the banana trees were removed. If someone could tell me how to grow bananas in my house, I would entertain the idea again. But I digress.
I went to the store and purchased organic bananas. Our store does not allow you to break apart the organic bananas and just purchase two or three. No. You must purchase the whole bunch. So, I came home with a bag of bananas. After eating my fill and trying to pass along bananas to others, I still had four that turned brown.

The voice in my head whispered “waste not, want not” in my ears, and I decided that banana nut bread would be a great use for these outdated fruits. I have a great recipe and I will share. Seven ingredients, barely any mess, easy to bake, and oh, so good. Here it is.
Banana Nut Bread
3-4 ripe bananas
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 t. salt
1 t. baking soda
1/2 cup course chopped nuts (I use walnuts)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Grease loaf pan.
3. Mix ingredients together and pour into loaf pan.
4. Bake for one hour or until toothpick inserted in middle comes out clean.
That’s it! Easy peasy! Enjoy! Don’t forget to put your banana peels in the compost heap.