Homestead Happenings Blog

Chicken Leg Bands

Chicken Leg Bands

Last Updated:  September 27, 2023

Mini Feeder Bucket
Image from Amazon

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Chicken leg banding video thumbnail shows Bren holding a chicken.
Check Out The Video on
How We Band
Our Birds
PM Homestead Picks
Chicken Leg Bands
are a PM Homestead Pick!

Chicken leg bands are a great aid for any homesteader who keeps chickens. These small, plastic rings are used to identify individual or groups of birds, making it easy to track their age, health, and production.

We use chicken leg bands at our homestead as a reliable and convenient way to keep track of the birds. The bands are made of plastic, which makes them durable and long-lasting. They are also reusable, so we don’t have to keep buying new ones every year.

Our main reason for using chicken leg bands is that they allow us to easily establish the age of the birds. This is important for managing our flock, as it allows us to determine which birds are at the optimal age for egg laying and which birds are older. Removing older birds is necessary for the proper care and management of our flock.

The chicken leg bands have been safe for the birds. They are flexible and don’t appear to constrict or cause any discomfort to the birds’ legs. They are easy to put on and take off.

These are recommended for anyone keeping chickens at their homestead.


Chicken Leg Bands
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Fortiflex Bucket

Fortiflex Bucket

Fortiflex Buckets

Last Updated:  September 12, 2023

Fortiflex Bucket
Image from Amazon

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Best Bucket for Homestead Livestock
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Best Bucket for Homestead Livestock
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Best Bucket for Homestead Livestock
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Best Bucket for Homestead Livestock
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A PM Homestead pick:  Fortiflex Bucket

We use these buckets for water for our goats and other animals at the homestead. They are a rugged bucket, BPA free, and made in USA, The Fortiflex buckets are very durable and built to last. We have many that are a least a decade old and are still in use. They do not crack if frozen. The best part is the handle which is a thick metal that is affixed with metal to the bucket rim. I have never had a handle break on me while using these buckets.

We regularly wash the buckets with a dish soap and nylon brush to keep them clean. Over time you will see minor scratches, but it does not affect the functionality. The only time we take them out of circulation is if the handle becomes so bent that it no longer will lie flat. This problem is normally caused by an unruly goat.

When we do remove a bucket from animal use, we remove the handle and use it for storing items like fence staples, insulators, or other items we need to keep organized at the homestead barn.

Here’s the thing. Caring for your livestock is a daily commitment. You don’t want to be replacing items that you need daily. Fortiflex buckets are extremely rugged and have lasted many, many years for us. – Bren

Image from Horse Loverz
Image from Horse Loverz

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Forjars Canning Lids – Regular and Wide Mouth

Forjars Canning Lids – Regular and Wide Mouth

Forjars Canning Lids
(Regular and Wide Mouth)

Last Updated:  September 6, 2023

Forjars Regular Mouth Canning Jar Lids
Image from Amazon

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Forjars Canning Lids
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Forjars Canning Lids
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Forjars Canning Lids
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Forjars Canning Lids
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A PM Homestead pick:  Forjars Canning Lids (Regular and Wide Mouth)

I was recommended these and decided to check them out. I know many of you can relate to the shortage of canning lids we’ve experienced in our recent past. There was a year when I was forced to try other brands, and I experienced seal issues, buckling lids and disappointment.

The Forjars Canning Lids have made my canning experience pleasant again. They come in regular and wide mouth sizes and are reasonably priced. They can be used in water bath, pressure, steam and vacuum seal canning.

As a life-long high volume canner averaging about 500 to 600 jars per year, I find these to be a quality lid. They are rust proof, BPA free, and from a company in America. I’ve tried them with several canner loads and I’m impressed with the quality.

Here’s the thing. Cheap lids are not always your friend. Your time is valuable and as all of us homesteaders know, we are always needing more time and less frustration. Get the right product for the job. – Bren

Forjars Canning Jar Lids (Wide Mouth)
Image from Amazon

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Disclosure of Material Connection:  Some of the links in this page or post may be “affiliate links”.  This means that if you click on the link, Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC may receive an affiliate commission at no direct cost to you.   Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC only recommends products or services that the owners, managers, or employees of Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC use or believe will add value to the readers of this website.  This disclosure is made with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”