Make Some Dust
This page last updated: March 23, 2024
Sawmill, Rough Cut Lumber, Firewood, and Products for Woodworkers
We sell rough cut lumber, firewood, lathe turnings, and other woodworking products. We also custom mill lumber.
Our sawmill is located near Shy Beaver Boat Launch at Raystown Lake, Pennsylvania. We can cut your logs or if you are in need of lumber, we have that available, too. Our focus is primarily on hardwoods. Contact us for more information. We are always looking for saw logs, so if you are local to the area and have something you believe we would be interested in for lumber, please contact us. On site visits and sales are by appointment only.
We also sell firewood in the Lake Raystown region of Pennsylvania. Delivery is available up to 20 miles from Shy Beaver Boat Launch. If interested, please contact us to get on the schedule for delivery. We deliver with a dump trailer or dump truck. Our firewood consists of dry mixed hardwoods (primarily oak, hickory, maple, cherry, and walnut).
In addition to the rough cut lumber and firewood, other wood products will soon be available. Currently, we are working at stocking finished wood products, raw wood items for woodworkers (for example, bowl blanks, turning spindles, wood cookies, and wood crafting pieces), and specialty “by the piece” large slabs and boards. More announcements to come on these areas.
One other project on our “to-do” list is to share a page on our website showcasing local artisans who make products using wood. We are in the process of adding a page with weblinks or contact information to our local woodworkers. The idea is to use this in conjunction with the Homestead activities which attract vacationers and other locals in order to support our local community. Some of our customers have shared pictures of projects they have created, and we believe there is some absolutely talented people in our local region. It is our way to try to give back support to a community that supports us. Promotion of local business is extremely important to us from a personal perspective. If you would like to be included in this project, please contact us.

For note: We are NOT affiliated with Freedom Green or Brode Lumber. Freedom Green has a location near us at Lake Raystown, but we are not in any way associated. Additionally, Brode Lumber is located near us in nearby Saxton (near Raystown Lake), but is not associated with us. It is our understanding that Brode Lumber may be out of business or operating at a limited capacity due to their fire at their sawmill. We seem to get quite a few phone calls from people believing we are somehow associated. Just making this disclaimer that Brode Lumber is not affiliated with us. Additionally, Freedom Green is not affiliated with us. We have met the owners of both Freedom Green and Brode Lumber. We wish them well in their endeavors.