Making Cranberry Nut Bread at the Homestead

Making Cranberry Nut Bread at the Homestead

Last updated:  February 27, 2025

Disclosure of Material Connection:  Some of the links in this page or post may be “affiliate links”.  This means that if you click on the link, Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC may receive an affiliate commission at no direct cost to you.   Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC only recommends products or services that the owners, managers, or employees of Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC use or believe will add value to the readers of this website.  This disclosure is made with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Cranberry nut bread at the homestead is a rare treat for us. This is mainly due to the number of ingredients that I must purchase. We mainly try to eat everything from what we harvest or raise, but every once in a while you have to splurge. This is our splurge (don’t laugh).

I tossed some clips together of the process. If you want to make it, the recipe follows. I try to get all organic ingredients if possible. This is a hearty loaf and not sickening sweet. Melted butter on top is the best way to serve it in my opinion. Enjoy!

Cranberry Nut Bread
Watch video on Rumble
I used one of these spatulas in the video. This is a good quality, very reasonably priced set, and every one of the spatulas is very useful. The long, narrow spatula is a handy tool to release bubbles from jars when canning.
Strainers - 3 sizes
These are the sifters I use for my flour. They are stainless steel and come in three sizes. The one fits well in a canning funnel if you want to strain broth before putting it in the canning jar.
This is a nice stainless steel set of colanders. I used them to wash the berries in the video, but they are very handy for washing many fruits and vegetables.
GrainMaker Model No. 99 Grain Mill
This is the grain mill we use at the homestead. It is solid built and used multiple times per week. Highly recommend.
Green Grain Mill
This is the grain mill that Chuck's daughter has. She uses it often and says it does a great job.
Soft Winter Wheat Berries
I used soft white winter wheat berries in the recipe. These are great for flour for baked goods that don't use yeast as the gluten is not as high. The taste of the soft white wheat berry is not as strong as some wheats making it more suitable for those that don't care for a strong wheat flavor.



¼ cup lemon juice

¼ cup water

2 Tbsp. butter, melted

1 egg

1 cup sugar

1 cup cranberries, chopped

½ cup walnuts, chopped

2-1/4 cups flour

½ tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking soda

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Butter a loaf pan.

3. Mix the lemon juice, water, and melted butter.

4. Beat the egg and add to the lemon juice mix.

5. Add the sugar to the mix.

6. Mix the remaining ingredients into the batter.

7. Spoon batter into the pan and bake for one hour.

8. Insert a toothpick to check if finished (toothpick should come out clean).

9. When finished baking, remove from the pan and finish cooling on a rack.

Blue Striped Mixing Bowl
I have two of these that I've had for many years. In addition to mixing bowls, they make excellent bowls for bread dough raising. If you heat them with warm water before putting your dough in, they maintain the warmth very nicely.
Lodge cast iron loaf pan
This is the cast iron bread pan I used in this video. It is made by Lodge. In my opinion, it is a "must have" for your cast iron collection. I also use it to bake meat loaf.
Cast Iron Melting Pot
This cast iron melting pot gets regular use at our homestead. If you are a griller or outdoor fire cook, you will appreciate it, too. It is perfect for melting butter or heating up sauces.
Thank you so much for your support!

We are full time homesteaders at Pioneer Mountain Homestead in the Appalachian Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania.   We have a sawmill, produce garden, honeybees, layer hens, laying ducks, pigs, and goats. We provide boat and camper storage to nearby visitors of Raystown Lake and sell firewood and lumber in south central Pennsylvania.  Our journey is to be as self-reliant as we can be; to live as much as we can from the resources we have at hand; to effectively be productive with as minimal environmental impact as possible; to raise food in an organic manner; and to give back to our community through education or demonstration. We are always learning, as well. Life is always an adventure! We enjoy learning from others and seeing what other people are doing as well.  – Bren and Chuck

Pioneer Mountain Homestead
16477 Sharman Lane
James Creek, PA 16657
"Embracing Everything Farm and Forest"

Disclosure of Material Connection:  Some of the links in this page or post may be “affiliate links”.  This means that if you click on the link, Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC may receive an affiliate commission at no direct cost to you.   Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC only recommends products or services that the owners, managers, or employees of Pioneer Mountain Homestead, LLC use or believe will add value to the readers of this website.  This disclosure is made with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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